My new book: “Visionary Creativity” is now available
Visionary Creativity: How New Worlds are Born, is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle, and on Barnes & Noble. From the back of the book:
From the back of the book:
These are times of turmoil. But times of turmoil can also be times of creativity as we become aware of new possibilities in our arts, sciences, and industries, and of new directions for our lives.
Today’s challenges all have one thing in common: they call out for Visionary Creativity. We flourish in pursuit of our creativity, and it is in creativity that we find not only fulfillment for ourselves, but also the visions our world is calling for. In this profoundly engaging book you will enter the worlds of modern art, current movies and television dramas, new technologies, and cutting edge science. Read the rest of this entry »
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